Imhoff Homesteads :: Cheese Platter

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Imhoff Homesteads :: Cheese Platter

[New Years Eve Spread]

If you're anything like us, we wait until the last possible moment to figure out what to bring to a party.  Each time I spend hours trying to decide the perfect dish.  This my friends ... is my "go-to."

It's elegant, it's satisfying, and it's delicious!  And there truly is something for everyone, which is why it's perfect to bring to any dinner party!

The compenents are easy. I usually pick 3 to 5 cheeses to bring, depending of the size of the group.  I pair with different crackers, breads, and nuts.  You really can't go wrong, which is why it's so easy to put together!

I always add to the sides ... fruit [either fresh or dried], some type of jelly [usually peppered], and add fresh herbs for garnish.

This particular cheese patter contains ...

1. Murray's Estate 5 Month Aged Washed Caramel Gouda
2.  Fromager D Affinois [similar to brie]
3.  Merlot Bellavitao [my absolute favorite!]
4.  Shaved Sarvechhio Parmesan
5.  Murray's Irish Cheddar Cheese
6.  Prosciutto Wrapped Mozzarella

Jalapeno & Cheese Summer Sausage



1. Waffers
2.  Small Bread Samplers

Jalapeno Peppered Raspberry Jelly


Hope you enjoy this cheese platter!  Now what's your go-to dish you bring?!
*Cheese Tray from Williams Sonoma + Cheese Knives from Target.

Happy New Years!

#imhoffhomestead #imhoffhome #cheeseplatter #cheesespread #cheeseboard #cheeseknives
#cheese #prosciutto #williamssonoma #target


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