You are Berry Awesome - Happy Valentine's Day from Imhoff Homestead

Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Happy Valentine's Day from Imhoff Homestead!

Aren't these Berry Awesome Vday Gifts awesome?!  I can't take the credit. I picked these up from a friend this year, but I made a few for myself and for additional gifts but the idea was all hers.  I just love the way they look and they are so easy to gift.  I was able to make 5 myself for under $15.00.  They are mixed with Hersey Kisses, Peppermint Patties.  I think next time I make them I will add those strawberry hard candies to make it look more "berry" like to go with the theme.  But these turned out perfect!  We're gifting these to teachers, admins, co-workers, and our nanny!

We also make Valentine's Day Boxes ... both kids picked their themes.  Braeden of course opted for Football, and Bear decided he wanted his to be a dog.  He settled for a dog house with a photo of Murph attached thank goodness!

Thankful for the memories the kids and I made together while making valentines and boxes, and that we're able to share the gift of kindness and love to others.

Happy Valentine's Day!

#valentinesday #imhoffboys #imhoffhomestead #imhoffhome

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